Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday Morning with Slide Guitar

Improvised Movement: Liz Roncka
Improvised Sound: Mateo Lugo
Video shot 9/25/11

Friday, August 26, 2011

PS and DH

Improvised duet at Mobius on 8.19.11 in Cambridge, MA.
Liz Roncka and CD/DH.


Improvised solo by Liz Roncka in studio setting.

Frank & Jane: Au Revoir Harrison Avenue

Final performance in Mobius' former location on Harrison Avenue.
Excerpt from an improvised duet with Jane Wang and Liz Roncka.

Frank & Jane

Improvised performance with Jane Wang (bass/vox) and Liz Roncka (movement/text); June 2011.

Family Man

Rehearsal with Jane Wang (bass/vox) and Liz Roncka (movement/vox); June 2011.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 18, 2011

Haggai Cohen Milo (bass)
Amir Mistein (flute)
Liz Roncka (movement)
Christophe Delerce (movement)

*if no image is obvious, simply click space above text and video will play.

Zeroplan: 37

Spring Equinox Performance at Mobius

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And You are Full ... of Desire

Haggai Cohen Milo (bass), Amir Milstein (flute), Christophe Delerce and Liz Roncka

Movement/Sound Improvisation

Movement/Sound Improvisation with Haggai Cohen Milo (bass), Amir Milstein (flute), Christophe Delerce and Liz Roncka.

neptune sun

Improvised solo to music by Boston-based band Neptune.

Liz Roncka's 20x20 Presentation for Pecha Kucha 21 Boston

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Improvised solo by Liz Roncka presented at the Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn, NY on January 22, 2011. Music by Christophe Delerce.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


An improvised piece created at Mobius on January 7, 2011. Video by Sara June. Cello by Jane Wang.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Video/Set/Movement/Text: improvised by Liz Roncka
Music: Max Lord electronix


Improvised duet with floor. 12/30/10. Video by Olivier Besson. Movement: Liz Roncka.