Sunday, June 10, 2012

Excerpt on Process from Email with a Collaborator

Excerpt from an email I wrote to a fellow collaborator(Jason Sanford of the band Neptune) regarding my approach to developing an improvisational performance work. "Usually I have a jumping off point and it goes from there. In this case, my interest would be demonstrating the possibilities of the instrument, utilizing the specific details of the space, exploring the particular physicality/movement that arises when interacting with the instrument and other artists. While I do this I usually end up with some kind of feeling, emotion, scenario... sort of spontaneously. Then I attempt to apply composition elements to all of that. I do all of this with a lot of improvisation and try to exert very little control... i like to let the elements involved control the situation with their natural properties.. rather than imposing more than a loose structure.... sometimes. Different situations require more control: ie. when there is a lot of tech involved or necessary cueing for lights, sound, etc."

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