Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dance #6

Some of you may have just received the email announcement for Emily and Eric's and my daily dance projects. A little heads blog runs chronologically with the newest entry first. I started posting about a week ago, so please scroll down for some of the first entries.

I encourage viewers to just watch a video or two in one sitting to keep one's attention fresh. I also recommend viewing the whole video to appreciate the entire composition.

Today's video was actually done on a day when it felt challenging to do a video. So I allowed a slow start and the possibility of doing little to nothing until genuine impulses arrived. I find myself continually reminded of the importance of waiting and listening.


  1. Waiting and listening. So important. I somehow always forget these most crucial first steps when improvising music. It's all in there, right? You don't even have to make it up, you just have to let it out. The days that I remember to stop and do this often have the best results.

    It's like, there is this perpetual soundtrack—and for dancers, ongoing body permutations—that is playing in there on and off all day. Sometimes you feel it rise to the surface in unexpected situations. When I am walking and listening to headphones is when this happens for me dance-wise. I get the most overwhelming urge to let it out.

    I like how this one goes. Your genuine impulse is recognizable.

  2. Simply this: I completely related to the falling back into the bed movements. Moving, upright, and a rather sudden falling. To me, it is exhaustion. Maybe not physical, but something else. I liked this one a lot.
