Friday, May 1, 2009

Dance #4 4/22/09

In general, I have chosen music that I am relatively unfamiliar with, except for its overall mood. Ideally I would have live improvised sound each day, but....Therefore, unless I am specifically moved to use a particular piece of music that I know, I have been attempting to choose music I don't really know. This helps keep the improvisation as fresh as possible.
Once again, impeccable work by the Katz.

Video moved to private collection secondary to music copyrights.


  1. My cats do the same kind of stuff as soon as I put the yoga mat on the floor. I love this project, Liz!

  2. Jo Tanc - This could have been planned and choreographed (whether u consider that good or bad is up in the air) - I just think it's so wonderful that this daily dance is completely different in texture and feel from the previous daily "offerings"
    and excellent improv by the kitties - they really tapped into the music
